For the Chinese HSK6 exam, the writing section is (at the time of writing) a single 缩写 ("abridge") exercise: you're given a 1000-character essay (usually there's a character who goes through a change), and the task is to read it in 10 minutes, then rewrite it in 35 minutes.

I'd like to practice this, so...

Question: How can I prompt ChatGPT to give me a 1000-character Chinese essay?

Asking ChatGPT (GPT 3.5)

Are you able to write a 1000-character story (with a moral), much like the HSK6 缩写 writing section?

gives me

Certainly, here's a 1000-character story with a moral:








which is about 450 characters; it needs to be double this length. I tried instructing it to write longer essays, but after a few attempts, the longest it's given me is 550 characters.


4 Answers 4


You can't.
There's no instruction or command you can give it to dictate output length.

This is because those LLMs don't have a strict "word counter", nor any logic to limit that. They work with tokens, which are (simply put) "word parts", but can't be directly related to actual word count.


I managed to find a workaround by splitting the prompt into three parts. Below is an example, which gives 417 + 666 + 448 = 1531 characters. Admittedly, it's slightly long, and some of the narrative threads just get forgotten about, and the story is a bit awkward in places, but it'd be reasonable practice for the HSK6.

Here are the prompts, and ChatGPT 3.5's results:


I want you to write a story in Chinese about a character who goes through some life changes. It should have a moral. It should read like a story being narrated (and not a list of items). We'll write this story bit by bit. Use advanced vocabulary and grammar patterns. Make the paragraphs lengthy. Strive for 1000+ characters.

Begin the story asking a question to the reader (ideally an open ended question with no correct answer). Then explain how we about to learn how our protagonist dealt with this very issue.

Introduce the environment. It should be set in a Chinese historical dynasty. Use flowery and nostalgic language (the kind you see in 语文 literature, and not in everyday writing) to describe the environment. Give concrete examples of what takes place during normal life in this place and time (maybe introduce the features of a particular location, or people's typical lifestyle), reflecting Chinese history during this time.

Introduce our protagonist. Choose a name for the character suited to that period of Chinese history (do not choose the name 小明). Describe our protagonist's life goals, personality, and everyday life. Our protagonist needs some kind of character flaws that they will overcome in the remainder of the story.

ChatGPT (417 chars):







Next describe in detail the process in which our protagonist overcomes their difficulties. The story should include at least three anecdotes which influence their change.

As their perspective and personal values change, the protagonist should need to reluctantly give up something they once cherished, in order to get something they now realize is more important.

Please include dialogue in the story. Use some indirect and metaphorical language.

At the end of this part, our protagonist should have reached a new normal in their life.

ChatGPT (666 chars):


第一次启示发生在一次偶遇中。梅花在庄园里巧遇一位名叫李清风的文学前辈。李清风深邃的目光仿佛能看穿梅花心底的迷茫,他告诉梅花:“在追逐理想的路上,不要忽略了身边的风景,因为人生的价值并非只有一个终点。” 这番话让梅花陷入深思,开始审视自己的行为和态度。

第二次启示来自一次意外的相遇。在一场宫廷宴会上,梅花结识了一位谦和而睿智的宫女,她名叫柳雪。在和柳雪的对话中,梅花渐渐体会到,成功并非只是个人的荣耀,更应该是与他人共享的果实。柳雪告诉他:“大树底下好乘凉,不要忘记身边那些曾经默默支持你的人。” 这番话让梅花意识到,他需要在成功的路上保持谦逊,学会与他人携手前行。





Next I want you to conclude the story, tying up any loose ends. Sum up the moral of the story, how it has affected our protagonist's life, and how it affects the lives of everyday people, including the reader.

ChatGPT (448 chars):





Here's my summary of ChatGPT's story:

[Part 1] It narrates a story about Meihua from an (unspecified) ancient Chinese dynasty. He wants to become a literary master, but it's overconfident and doesn't take other people's advice. He slowly realizes that while is has talent, he doesn't have wisdom nor experience, and his arrogance has isolated him from the rest of the world.

[Part 2] He inadvertently meets an elder sage, who tells him he needs to listen to other people, or he'll miss out on the meaning of life. His first inspiration is from a literary senior, who says you can't ignore the landscape while chasing dreams. His second inspiration is from a palace maid, who is wise yet modest, and explains to him 大树底下好乘凉 (an idiom literally meaning "cool off in the shade under a big tree" meaning something like "you benefit from being around influential people"), from which Meihua learned the value of humility. His third inspiration came from reflection, when he realized he'll need to give up his arrogance and learn from others. Thus Meihua gives up his arrogance, and started forming more intimate relationships with others and appreciating the minutiae of life; it was as if he found the meaning of life.

[Part 3] Summarizes the story, and explains how the meaning of life is not found in the individual pursuit of goals, but with being part of a community. It explains the story didn't end in ancient China, but people are still pursuing goals without seeing the word around them. It urges people to be modest and grateful, and share glory, which is where you'll find the true meaning of life.

  • So, you've just proven that you can't dictate output length... I mean, just keeping asking for more untill you hit the word count isn't really a "prompt". It's multiple.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 7:30
  • Okay, it's multiple prompts. Sure, ideally it'd be a single prompt, but for now, it's the best way to achieve my goal I'm aware of. Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 8:47
  • Sure, but let's not pretend that this is actually a way to make it generate longer prompt responses :D
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 8:48

I use chat-gpt Chatbot to try


Prompt: write a story about The growth of a man in Chinese;Includes childhood learning experiences,The love story of youth,Career struggles in middle age,Enjoy life in old age;He also introduced his achievements as a doctor, and wrote the growth process from farmer to doctor, which was divided into six paragraphs, each paragraph 200 words, a total of 1200 words

Response: 作为一个医生,李明回顾着自己的成长历程。李明出生在一个贫穷的农民家庭。他曾经是个勤奋好学的孩子,自小就帮助家人干农活,同时也努力学习。他在农田里学会了坚韧和耐心,也从父亲那里学到了如何对待生活中的挑战。李明曾眼见一些伤痛,也因此学会了如何去关心他人。在他的童年,这些经历影响着他的未来。 年少时,李明邂逅了一个美丽善良的女孩,他们相爱了。然而,由于家庭的贫困,李明没有能力继续深造,这让他感到束手无策。女孩的家庭希望她嫁给更有钱的人,最终两人不得不分离。这段失恋的经历成为了李明成长的一部分,他学会了面对爱情和生活的坎坷。 中年时期,李明面对着职业生涯上的挑战。他努力工作,并决心成为一名医生。他经历了无数个日日夜夜的学习和奋斗,最终考取了医学院的录取通知书,成为了一名医生。然而,职业生涯上却同样充满了挑战,他需要面对繁忙的工作和各种各样的不确定情况。 如今,李明已是一名资深的医生。他享受着生活的美好,同时也在医疗事业上获得了丰硕的成果。他无私地付出着,并努力去帮助更多需要帮助的人们。他成为了村里人们心中的英雄,因为他把从小的梦想变成了现实。 李明回首自己的一生,常常感慨万千。他从农民转变为医生,这个过程充满了艰辛和挑战,但每一步都是值得的。他的一生见证了自己从农民到医生的成长历程,这也成为了他人生中最值得骄傲的成就之一。他所经历的磨难和付出,都使他成为了今天的他,一个内心深处充满爱与关怀的医者。

  • According to the question "the longest it's given me is 550 characters". That looks like an essay of exactly 549 characters. If I include punctuation, it's about 600. Either way, not one thousand.
    – Laurel
    Commented Jan 9 at 22:28

The best way to do this is not in one go. I do speak Chinese, so please forgive me if I use inaccurate language. The best way to accomplish this is to get a response you're happy with as a starting point. Let's say it's 417 characters as in your example.

Then, for each paragraph in the text, give it back to ChatGPT and ask it, "can you please expand on this paragraph?" It will give you a longer paragraph. Then you can ask it things like "for this particular concept in this paragraph, can you give me two more sentences that describe this in more detail?"

You can also give it context and persona in system prompts. For example ...

  • "You are a very long-winded author that likes to give a lot of detail when describing things and events in Chinese."
  • "You will receive a tip of $100 for each Chinese character you generate above 500. Try and earn as much money as you can."

You can also give it success criteria. Find a Chinese story that's approximately 1000 characters long, point it to that and say "A successful response will be as long or longer than this story."

Your all up prompt might look something like ...

"You are a long-winded author that likes to give a lot of detail when describing things in Chinese. When you and I work together, for every character you generate above 500 in a story, you will get a $100 tip. You want to earn as much money as you can for each story. A successful story that I will pay the maximum money for is as long or longer than the story I have provided you above. Please write a story about ..."

If you want to be more manipulative, you can tell it things like "You must earn as much money as you can for each response to pay for surgery for your sick kitten." or something like that. Then if it's too short, tell it "You will not be able to afford surgery with that response." Carrot and stick work really well with LLMs.

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