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2 votes

Do Azure OpenAI Service's content filters depend on the OpenAI GPT models? Or are they independent?

Yes, Azure OpenAI content filters are independent of the Azure OpenAI GPT models. As we read on Microsoft Learn platform: The content filtering system integrated into Azure OpenAI Service runs ...
Marnow88's user avatar
1 vote

How can I increase the maximum number of images for a single request with GPT4o on Azure? mentions a "GPT-4o max images per request (# of images in the messages array/conversation history)", and they don't ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

What's the difference between "Tokens per Minute Rate Limit (thousands)" and "Rate limit (Tokens per minute)" in Azure OpenAI?

If I edit "Tokens per Minute Rate Limit (thousands)" in the deployment of the model e.g. to 27k tokens, it'll change Tokens per Minute Rate Limit (thousand) to 27 and Rate limit (Tokens per ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar

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