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Why does RAG work?

Consider a corpus of answer sheets of History exam at high school level. Say it is 10 GiB in size. Case 1 Assume that these answer sheets were part of much larger corpus used to train an LLM such as ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
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Are there any alternatives to NVIDIA’s AI Chat with RTX?

I downloaded and attempted to install the NVIDIA AI chatbot from this link: However, it requires an RTX 30-40 series graphics card. ...
Kharuka's user avatar
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RAG for sophisticated question-answering (Q&A) chatbots

I am about to start my first ever hobby project with LLMs. I hope to develop a Q&A chat bot. I am following the documentation from here. LLMs can reason about wide-ranging topics, but their ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why are language models bad at legal questions?

It seems that languge models are bad for law-related questions. For instance when you ask a LLM (assuming that it doesn't search the web for up-to-date information) about whether a thing that is ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Purpose of the "system" role in OpenAI chat completions API

I know that the "system" role can be used to set the behavior of the "assistant" (see here). But actually I can also set the "assistant" behavior with a "user" ...
MaDev's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Can you search old ChatGPT conversation within the Web UI?

Is there a way to search for data/information in my old ChatGPT conversation within the web UI, all at once with a keyword etc. I understand that the current conversation can't look at data from the ...
MintBerryCRUNCH's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to train Bard to answer based on a private FAQ document?

I have a private (unpublished) FAQ document about an app, it has 7000 words and 40000 characters. To simulate it you may try taking and replacing the ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar